Benefits & Features

How Synergetic can help your school

Synergetic is Australia’s leading SMS specifically designed to meet the unique needs of K-12 schools, with an extensive range of features and a user friendly interface it provides a comprehensive solution for both academic and administrative tasks that connects your whole school community.

Unique Data Architecture

Our One ID system gives each person in your school one unique number that connects all their relationships and activities

Visibility into your school’s financial position at any time

Our built-in finance system connects directly to your database, automating purchase orders and approvals to save your school time

Powerful reporting and actionable insights

Get instant insights with interactive dashboards and choose from over 700 ready-to-use reports. Turn your school's data into clear visuals that help you make better decisions

Grow your school and its connectivity

Staff can manage daily tasks online securely, while parents and students access important updates through our Community Portal - keeping everyone connected and informed

Stronger together with integration partners

Synergetic can integrate with other software through 65+ API endpoints (and growing!), giving schools more choice and providing a full suite of solutions needed by your school

Single source of truth with one connected system

Optimise your entire school – save time, work collaboratively and make informed decisions.

  • Built to manage complex family relationships
  • Personalised communications consistently meeting privacy requirements
  • Highly customisable for schools needs
  • Reduces data silos and errors
  • Delivers all government compliance reports
  • A core community database as your single source of truth
  • A community of integration partners to build your own ecosystem
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Smart School Operations and Management

Track learning goals, engage your community, and manage school operations from within a single environment.

Organise information and stay in control:

  • Student, family and medical records
  • Attendance and reports
  • Student enrolment and enquiries
  • Staff and student scheduling
  • HR and more
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Finance management made easy

With a fully integrated finance system, you can effortlessly navigate the intricate web of purchase order creation, approval, and tracking. This automation not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors that can occur in manual processes.

Synergetic takes care of all things finance, including:

General ledger
Billing fees and charges
Purchase orders
Asset register
Payroll and more
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Resources to help develop your school

Synergetic empowers you to streamline enrolment applications, orchestrate successful events and fundraising endeavors, and maintain communication with both past and present students.

It also supports:

Online applications
Event management
SMS and email communications
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Streamline school payments with Stripe

Simplify your school’s payment processing with Stripe, the trusted online payment platform. Integrate Stripe seamlessly into your Synergetic school management system to offer a streamlined and secure payment experience for parents, students and administrators.

Accept various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards and bank transfers, providing flexibility for families and ensuring prompt transactions. Whether it’s tuition fees, event tickets or fundraising donations, Stripe’s intuitive interface makes managing payments effortless.

By harnessing the power of Stripe through Synergetic, schools can optimise their financial operations, reduce administrative burdens and enhance the overall payment experience for stakeholders. Embrace the future of secure school payments with Stripe and Synergetic!

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Is Synergetic cloud hosting for me?

Synergetic cloud hosting is the ideal solution for both new customers and those with existing on-premises installations of Synergetic. Enjoy enhanced security, seamless updates and effortless scalability. With our cloud hosting, your school’s data is securely managed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), ensuring the highest levels of protection and reliability.

Transition to the cloud and experience improved performance and reduced IT overhead. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to make the switch? Contact us to explore the best hosting options for your school

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Who Synergetic can help

Discover how Synergetic can help

For School Leaders

Streamline academic and operational processes and take control of the complexities of running a school with in-depth statistics and analytics.

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For Business Managers

Strengthen your school’s administrative backbone with a robust and scalable school management system – trusted by Australian schools for over 40 years.

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For IT Managers

Synergetic’s core data architecture and open API layer supports integration with API partners including SEQTA LMS and automated software upgrades.

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School Stories

Fettes College, Scotland

Fettes College used AssetWhere to create a site map of the entire campus layout, buildings and services to aid facilities management and safety. Accurate fire evacuation maps for all areas of its complex grounds were also created, improving the safety of visitors, staff and its boarding students.

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School Stories

Concordia College, Australia

Concordia College is an independent school based in South Australia with over 1200 students. Like many schools, it had struggled with several disparate systems where data was siloed, admin workload was high, and the holistic visibility of the school was limited.

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School Stories

Woodville High School, Australia

Woodville High School established in 1915 is an Australian high school with approximately 1200 students located in St Clair, South Australia (SA). With over 109 years of commitment to fostering a human-centred learning community, the school prioritises belonging, transformative growth and success for every learner.

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School Stories

Rusinga Schools, Kenya

Rusinga Schools is a Christian faith based K-12 school based in Nairobi, Kenya. Founded in 1975 it is home to approximately 850 students across its Kindergarten, Prep and Senior schools. The school's commitment to character-building and a strong ethos creates a close-knit Rusinga family.

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School Stories

The British International School of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The British International School of Jeddah (BISJ) is a thriving private school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with over 1300 students from more than 60 countries. With a commitment to excellence in education, the school offers a comprehensive learning journey for children from years K-13 and holds prestigious authorisations from the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO).

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Why schools love Synergetic


We can see a comprehensive picture of a child with the Synergetic / SEQTA integration, and that is helping the college understand our students better…it’s also giving our teachers a one-stop-shop for digital engagement. We only need to open one portal page and all the links to all the things we need are in that place.

Tony Shilitoe
Director of Digital Resources Concordia College


We initially introduced Synergetic, in the senior school first and then later in the primary school,” explains Tony Shillitoe, Director of Digital Resources. “Synergetic now functions as our single source of truth across the entire college and the system ensures that the data staff members access for their various roles across the college has integrity, is consistent and up-to-date.

Tony Shillitoe
Director of Digital Resources Concordia College


Before we partnered with Education Horizons, we had around 16 different systems operating, none of which were natively integrated, and this doesn’t even count the apps staff were using. We needed a single source of truth for our data.

Tony Shillitoe
Director of Digital Resources Concordia College


Synergetic is an outstanding school administration package, not just for its wide range of capabilities but also the support furnished by your developers and support people. Synergetic has transformed how we access information and allowed us to bring together fragmented systems into efficient and effective ways of working.

Lisa Thomson
Dean of Information Technologies - Somerset College QLD


Synergetic is a comprehensive management system for schools and their client support is excellent and it is my pleasure to highly recommend Synergetic. Synergetic works closely with Catholic Education Office and ourselves to meet ongoing and changing authority requirements.

Chris Scott
Manager Holy Spirit Primary School, North Ringwood VIC


With our recent acquisition of a new school in Darwin in the Northern Territory, Haileybury has now grown to 5 sites in Australia and are educating over 5,000 students. Synergetic has been a key partner in this growth. Their product’s scalability and flexibility, coupled with a dedicated Account Manager, has been exceptional

Clinton Willetts
Haileybury, VIC


Gold Package
  • Base implementation and training
  • 1 Sys admin
  • 2 Supported users
  • Synergetic core database
  • Synergetic web options
  • Community portal with MyDetails
  • Synergetic services Crystal Scheduler, Docman Importer, Notification Services
  • New kiosk app
  • Core current and future students
  • Core past students
  • Core medical records
  • Core general ledger
  • Debtors Receipting via BPay and credit cards
  • Creditors
  • Address validation
Diamond Package
  • Gold pack plus
  • Additional supported user
  • Attendances
  • Assessments
  • Excursion management
  • Automatic class charges
  • Integrated enrolment deposits
  • Purchase orders
  • Asset register
  • Communications
  • Objects core
  • Ecommerce receipting via online payment gateway
  • Online applications (limited)
Platinum Package
  • Diamond pack plus
  • Additional supported user
  • Study periods
  • Parent teacher interviews
  • Co-curricular / staff and student scheduling
  • Staff substitutes / daily organiser
  • Advanced activities and sports team management
  • Human resources **
  • Core sales shop controls with inventory control and consignment stock
  • Payroll**
    including staff kiosk and timesheets
  • Event and functions management
    including public events bookings
  • Objects property maintenance and bookings
  • Online applications dashboard
  • Online applications (unlimited)
There is no one-size-fits-all approach for schools. Get a personalised quote for your school today.
0-500 501-1000 1001-1700 1701+
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